

Example sentence of "might as well" Part 1

Let's study English together. It is so cold outside. I might as well stay at home. We might as well do something. = We should do it because there is no better alternative. There is no reason not…



クイズです:実際こんな会話ありです ドクターのオフイスで: Dr. が患者・Patient/ペイシェントに言いました: "If you think you are HURTING now, wait 'till you get MY bill." --------------------------------------------------------------------------…


Join us, penfriend !

Hello, I'm a pure Japanese born near Tokyo. I'm glad to communicate with anyone related to this community room. I began to learn English more than half a century ago. Then I travelled many foreign co…


Jazz of my secondary choice

Wynton Marsalis is leading this jazz team. Wonderful voice by the players is attractive. Let's see, please.



THANK YOU for another wonderful evening in Washington, D.C. TOGETHER, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN President Trump danced with the first lady of a Slovenian for vocal music of nostalgic My Way i…


Snowy Mt. Fuji of Japan

This picture is great, shown on the New York Times for today. It gives me sublime mentality. It is said taken at the lake of Syoji located at northwestern outskirt of Mt. Fuji.


ammunition is not a weapon

An ammunition is a kind of consumption materials, then it isn't a weapon. This was defined at the house of councillors, yesterday. Alas, nuclear warheads, ballistic missiles and various bombs are def…


official language

According to a news paper, Honda ( a car maker) is going to apply English as its official language in the company by aiming full application from 2020. It is along side with company policy to increas…