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Remembrance Day

Remembrance honours those who serve to defend our democratic freedoms and way of life. We unite a cross faiths, cultures and backgro...


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Zoom で学習会

「みんなの日本語」を教材に筑波大学の先生と一緒に日本語の勉強をしています。  PowerPointを使いやさしい日本語はなかを勉強中です。 Zoomがあるので東京の本部、つくばの事務局からの情報が自宅でできるいい機会です。コロナがなければこのような機会はなかったで...


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In these days,

I really got tired with several IT troubles which never happened before. 1. From this April, I use MS Outlook as a mailer just bec...


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Do you like black coffee?

Do you like black coffee? There are some opinions about “black coffee”, but this time I mean the coffee without milk. If you add su...


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The Mask

Did the mask from our government reach to you? I’ve gotten it on June 15. There were two masks in the envelope, they are for my hus...


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Nice to e-meet you

Dear all, I'm currently working under international collaboration BUT actually not good at English,,, so hope this will be a good o...


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Black lives matter

As you know there are many demonstrations after George Floyd’s death. And thanks to the demonstration the charge against the polic...


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What has changed around you?

As revision Copyright Law was established on June 5, we won’t able to copy half of the articles such as newspapers. But we can use...

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New Normal

Economic activity is gradually resuming in Europe. But the pandemic has not healed yet, and the number of infected people in the wo...